B2B payment masterclass

As business-to-business transactions represent 5x the volume of B2C payments,
it is time to empower your B2B payment strategy

The first masterclass on B2B payments, with expert insights and case studies

Welcome to Alpine Style's B2B payments masterclass — your gateway to mastering the intricacies of business-to-business transactions. Whether you're a financial services professional or an innovator navigating the B2B commerce landscape, our courses provide a comprehensive journey through every facet of B2B payments.

Masterclass contents:

1. B2B payment services

  • Core B2B payment services

  • Pre- and post-payment services in B2B

  • Adjacent services specific to B2B

Part 1: 2 hours

2. B2B payment solutions

  • B2B trade and traditional commerce

  • eCommerce and Marketplaces

  • New tech, economic and social paradigms

Part 2: 3 hours

3. Perspectives and future trends

  • Orders of magnitude

  • Regulation, evolution and innovation trends

  • Players and technologies to keep in the radar

Part 3: 2 hours

The B2B payment expert

The B2B payment masterclass is led by Christophe Spoerry, a strategy consultant specialised in advanced payments, B2B financial services and innovation.

Navigating B2B payments


Christophe spent 20+ years advising, innovating and teaching in the domain of payments and financial technology. Since 2015, he specialises in B2B payments and trade-related financial services. He initiated break-through innovations in trade credit insurance which paved the way for a paradigm-shift in B2B payments, and the dynamic evolutions observed nowadays in B2B financial services.



Alpine Style refers to mountaineering in a light-weight, self-sufficient and fast manner, as opposed to himalayan style, which typically involves costly expeditions with large teams of Sherpas, setting up fixed ropes along the climb, and supplying alpinists with heavy oxygen bottles.Our approach ensures masterclass participants are fully equipped to navigate the complex B2B payment landscape, and to design successful next-generation solutions.

Navigating B2B payments

A complex ecosystem

What makes B2B payments such a complex landscape is the conjunction of 3 factors: the different types of B2B players have fundamentally different needs and perspectives ; the business-to-business context involves numerous essential services wrapping the payment itself ; and the landscape is shaped by an heterogenous ecosystem of mostly local players.

Empower your B2B payment strategy

Master the B2B context

Our training is uniquely structured to equip you with a profound understanding of the various business payment instruments, essential services wrapping B2B transactions such as invoicing, financing and logistics, technology and legal considerations, as well as the major trends driving the evolutions of the B2B payment ecosystem

Global perspectives

Explore a myriad of case studies spotlighting innovative B2B payment players, technologies and solutions from around the world. The B2B payment masterclass provides actionable insights applicable to various industries, contexts and company sizes: freelancers, SMEs, startups, enterprise, international companies, decentralised organisations, etc.

Our B2B payment course packages

Masterclass formats

Dive into the heart of B2B payments with our 7-hour masterclass. The content and format can be tailored to a wide range of needs and preferences.

Group masterclass

250 € / participant

Join one of our upcoming classes along with other financial services professionals and innovators. Fill the form for more information.

Private masterclass

3 000 €

Our B2B payment masterclass, tailored to the needs of a private group. Fill the form below and we will get back to you to arrange the details.

Custom masterclass

Price on request

A B2B payment masterclass designed for a specific audience. Fill the form below and we will get back to you to discuss your needs.

1-hour consultation

400€ / hour

Our expert consultation is a great format to address follow-up questions after a B2B payment masterclass.

Fill the form below to receive information about our upcoming group masterclasses, to arrange a private or custom masterclass, or simply to book a consultation.

Our latest thoughts

Newsletter & blog

From time to time, we share our insights into B2B payments, technology trends and innovations for a better future. Subscribe to keep in touch.
Expect ~1 email / quarter.

© Alpine Style by LMSV - 229 rue Saint Honoré, Paris, France. All rights reserved.